Thursday, September 18, 2008

Little Juggy comes to life!!


Bit of a different sort of entry for today.

I sporatically receive very cool emails from people who have found an interesting use for my art. I'll try and feature these every now and then as they come in. They will range from clay models like the one you see here to tattoos, to just completely bizare stuff.

The artist responsible for creating this nice little model can be found here on Deviant art:

I believe he is taking commissions, so if you want to see your art in clay like this, get in touch with the dude.

In Gemini news, I have finished 1 page of inks so far...more is on the way. I'm really happy with how this first page has turned out, but you will all have to wait to see it. I may post it in the future. maybe.



  1. That's a neat little sculpture.
    As for Gemini news . . . any word on when Gemeni #3 will be released?

  2. Waddup, Jon! It's good to see you mixed into the blog world. Love your blog, bud!!
