Friday, October 3, 2008

Smack! What was that?! Gem issue 3


I found out today that issue 3 of Gemini is being assembled like an atomic robot waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Yes....that's right. Issue 3 is just inches away from hitting the printers and then your local comic book shops.

I have found it very hard to find something suitable to post from issue 3. No one has really seen anything apart from the cover, and that is because we dont want to spoil anything! So here is your snippet. Take what you can. Once the issue is out, I'll post up more rough pencils and other art for your consumption.

Faerber has written some really fun stuff, and if you have enjoyed issues 1 and 2 so far, I don't see how you wouldn't enjoy this ish as well! It really gets better as the book progresses.

Gonna take my little sister to watch Wall.E today. Can't wait. I heard it's pretty good.


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