Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Darkstalkers :: Felicia

First up, I just wanted to show the inner workings of one of my Darkstalkers pieces. For those who don't know, UDON is putting out a tribute book for fans of the Darkstalkers property from Capcom. I ended up drawing 6 of these characters, and I did them all in the 'baby' or 'chibi' style.

The others will surface eventually, I'm sure. If you come and visit me at comicon in San Diego, I will have them all there for people to check out. For now though, here is Felicia.

I thought you guys might like to see the before and after, along with some of the thumbnails and other ideas I threw out for this character. Please do let me know if you enjoy seeing the sketches or not as it helps me figure out what more to post up in the future :)




  1. I picked that print up at Brisbane Supanova. It's really awesome to see the sketches behind the finished work, reminds you how much work goes into getting as good at you. Good luck at San Diego.

  2. AWESUM work here !!
    came from cheeks blog ,
    glad to hav found this space
    will keep a check

  3. sketchs??? hell yes i love seeing the process, seeing how your brain works,hell if u could take a picture ever 5 mins to show the full process. so YES sketches are good.
    your boy, the other John
